Sunday, 26 February 2012

Same Same But Different !

There are many projects or pieces of art you see in your life and only few of them can take 
 a place in your mind and you will never forget them, they stay in your mind for a while.

 I saw an amazing project a really mind blowing project was made by two talented twins, the project’s name is ‘Twins Are Different’. They chose this topic to show how twins can be different despite of looking the same or acting the same. Where many people specially for those who never deal with twins or never met twins. There are 2 kinds of twins, identical twins and fraternal twins. As you all know identical twins are the twins who are alike, and fraternal twins are the ones who don’t look alike. Even thought people see identical twins as one person and treat them as one, but in fact they are not, they are as different as any other siblings. There are myths that have been proven wrong by the mothers of multiples, such as the myth that says: twins are two halves of a whole and share everything, and the mothers of the twins said that it is true that they do share parents, siblings, but they do not share personalities. 

Another myth says that was proven to be wrong is that twins will always have a leader and a follower but that’s not actually true because it is natural for twins to lead one another and sometimes one of them can have a stronger personality where she can lead the other one to follow her and does what she wants her to do. And that is what the piece of art shows.

شــميم ،/

شمـيم ~ *

فـي شهـر يوليـو ولدت آبنة أخـي { شمـآآ
،،،كم أعشق هذا الشهـر الذي أصبحت فيه عمــه

اليـوم هو تـآريخ مولدهـآ
يـآرب أحفظهـــا لنــا